Tuesday, October 21, 2008

otis 8th week class exercise and personal work

this weeks class exercise was doing some organic environment! bottom painting was done in class
(i hr sketch) every body had to use same refernce that we got from the class!it was cool to see every bodys work and what they come up with using same refernce! it also helps you when you concepting any painting. adding different objects. and top painting was done for fun using same reference.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

otis 7th week demo

here's the 7th week otis demo.
we did city scape with playing with scale.i had fun on these painting .
bottom painting was done inside the class and
i spent another hour exploring different shapes for
top one!


Monday, October 06, 2008

otis 6th week demo

here is the final version of 6th week interior demo. it took about 1hr 30min .

this week we went over doing interior environment! first we had to design nice

facede and incorporating into your environment painting!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

ethereal creature sketches

i was experiementing with shape of creatures. something organic and beautiful.
since we had so many great character artist at nc soft.
i was inspired to do characters, when i have time i like to grab one
and finish it! thanks to john D on these sketches =)